Fitness and nutrition educational resources


Welcome to the Syracuse Fitness Center blog! Here you will find in-depth educational resources on health, fitness, nutrition, self-care and so much more. The idea behind the blog is to give you unlimited free resources that guide you on your journey to a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle.

Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

Failure Happens in Isolation - How To Workout at Home

I want to give you the guidance, accountability, and motivation that you need to have a successful fitness journey. With most of us spending more time at home during the pandemic, there’s a good chance that’s where your workouts are taking place these days. I know that you can do the push ups and squats on your own at home. I know you can get it done but I would be doing an injustice if I didn’t share the knowledge that I have learned over the years of my practice. Let me explain.

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Fitness, Workout Patrick DiBello Fitness, Workout Patrick DiBello

How To Do the Perfect Plank Pose

Are you getting the most out of your planks? The plank is one of the most utilized exercises around but more often than not it isn’t getting used to its full advantage. The plank is a full body static hold so we are working from head to toe and the benefits are phenomenal.

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Patrick DiBello Patrick DiBello

The Benefits Of Flexibility

Did you know that I have found many more benefits in everyday life from my flexibility than I have from my strength? I rely on my flexibility and mobility every day no matter what I am doing. Not only does flexibility help make activities easier with increased range of motion and joint mobility, but it is also responsible for being healthy and pain free. Stretching improves your posture, increases blood flow to muscles, and is necessary for injury prevention. A daily stretching routine can improve your personal life and your fitness life more than you think.

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Yoga, Workout Patrick DiBello Yoga, Workout Patrick DiBello

Why Men Should Do Yoga

Yoga can be intimidating, it’s very different from what most guys are typically used to for their taste in fitness. Going to a yoga studio has a different vibe than the gym and it may be hard to believe that a yoga class could be more beneficial for us than our typical gym workout. But it wasn’t until I developed a yoga practice that I realized my own true strength, both mentally and physically.

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Strength, Calisthenics Patrick DiBello Strength, Calisthenics Patrick DiBello

How To Build Strength When Working Out

There is a broad range of goals that get people into a workout routine but a very common one you will find is the desire to get stronger. It could be to get stronger in general or with a specific exercise or lift but most of us know that we could benefit from some sort of strength training. But do we know the best way to go about that strength training?

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 Looking for more at-home exercise and nutrition resources?


Explore our online video library! Here you will find exercise tutorials and online classes that allow you to get a full-body workout in, or learn how to do a handstand. The idea behind this library is to give you unlimited free resources to accomplish your fitness goals in the comfort of your own home.